Sunday, 2 June 2013

Sick again...

This baby has thee weakest immune system and unfortunately catches everything (and I am the anal Mom that practices hand hygiene like crazy and harps on my husband to do the same before touching our child!) This is the third time he's been sick and he's only 14 weeks old.  The last two times were just severe congestion.  We deal with congestion on a daily basis as he has esophageal reflux disease.  We have the head of his crib elevated and he was on medication for 8 weeks but he still continues to suffer.  The first time he fell sick, he was only 3 weeks old and he was very congested.  B was out of town working, and it was in the evening that his symptoms were getting worse.  I was talking to my Nanny (grandmother) on the phone and she decided she wanted to come stay with me to help out.  The amazing parents I have, picked her up and drove her to my house, making a pit stop at the drugstore and picked up a hydra sense kit.  The hydra sense nasal aspirator has been a life saver, it is a must have for any parent with a baby.  Anyways, this time around Beckham is not only really congested, but has a bad cough.  He has been coughing for the past 4 days, but it's been very inconsistent and quite honestly sounded like a fake cough, so I had wondered if he learnt how to cough and just 'coughed' to make noise.  This morning he woke up with more of a barking sounding cough that is very persistent.  I guess this changes my plans to get back to the gym this week.  I refuse to be THAT person that I curse about that continues to bring their snot nose, coughing, sneezing child to strollercise, a class that is for mom AND baby.   I am certain these past two illness' he's picked up from there.  One of the children had croup the last time we went and his stroller was next to the child with croups stroller, as I wasn't aware he had it until the next day...  I hope Beckham's better by Wednesday so we can still attend our new moms group!  Here's to hoping. 


1 comment:

  1. How sad! we elevate Easton's head with a wedge in his crib too.. but its so sad to hear them so congested! a cough would be terrifying as well! I hope he feels better soon :(
