Tuesday, 9 July 2013

I wish I knew then what I know now

Helmet head? 

Hope not. 

At Beckham's 2 month shots, the nurse said Beckham had the most perfect round head, which I guess is very rare.   However, at his 4 month shots I mentioned to the nurse that his head shape was of a concern to me.  She looked at it, and though I know she isn't a doctor or head specialist, she mentioned that he may need a helmet to correct the shape of his head.  A helmet that he wears for 23 hours a day.  

You have got to be kidding me.  

There are different types of a misshapen head.  His is known as:


Something as simple as sleeping on the back can cause brachycephaly. The head flattens uniformly, causing a wider and shorter shape. 

Increased head height is also common in children with brachycephaly.

Brachycephaly Quick Facts:

Here's a brief look at brachycephaly:

Head is wider than normal
Head has shorter length than width
Back of head is flat
Head is taller than normal
Extreme forehead incline
Bumps/bulging above ears
Face appears small in proportion to head

Since his 4 month shots, I have not stopped worrying, it pretty well consumes my every thought.  Our pediatrician has been on vacation and remains on vacation until August 16.  Our 6 month visit is on August 21.  I have to wait until then to discuss his head shape and possibly look into him wearing a helmet.  I know it's just a helmet.  But honestly I don't want people to stare and think something other then just a flat head is wrong with my child.  I try not to let him sleep on the back of his head but he always manages to.  I guess it's the most comfortable for him.  

Now, of course from day one my Nanny has said that he should be sleeping on his tummy.  Back in the day when my mom was a baby and even when I were a baby that's how babies slept.  They now say babies should sleep on their back, as SIDS has been reduced by 50% by having babies sleep on their back.  I will do anything in hopes to reduce the chance of SIDS, so of course Beckham has always napped and slept on his back.

I wish I knew then what I know now....

Had I known that his head would become flat and that there was a chance he'd have to wear a helmet, I would have definitely had him napping (surprivised) on his tummy or side.  However, at night I still would have had him sleeping on his back.  Unfortunately now that he is 4 and a half months he will not sleep on his tummy or side.  If I place him on his tummy he props himself up with his arms underneath of him and he can't relax to fall asleep.  And if I place him on his side, even with a blanket rolled up and placed behind his back he manages to kick and squirm so that he's laying on his back.  Speaking of things I wish I knew then what I know now...I would have kept up with bottle feeding him once a day because now I have a baby that refuses a bottle or formula.  Beckham was born 3 weeks early and was jaundice so he was a very sleepy baby for a good 9 weeks of his life he really just slept.  Those first few days in the hospital nursing was impossible, because he was so tired he never woke to latch.  He left the hospital as a bottle/formula fed baby.  When the homecare nurse came to visit, when he was 3 days old, she got him to latch on!  He still would take a bottle and formula when my parents would watch him.  But then I got away from ever giving him a bottle.  This past weekend our dear friends got married and I had my parents watch Beckham because a 4 and a half month old, well him anyways, needs to be entertained if he's awake.  So an outdoor wedding ceremony seemed very risky to bring him too.  I tried to give him a bottle a few days before leaving him with my parents but he would not take it from Brendon or I.  Needless to say I had to go feed him after the ceremony before the reception.  That evening my parents tried to give him a bottle but he refused to take it from them too.  My evening was cut short because I had to feed the baby.  Had I known this was going to happen, I would have pumped and bottle fed him once a day.  Oh how I wish I knew then what I know now... 


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