Friday, 22 November 2013

9 months!

Wow!  I am awful at blogging.  I have a few posts that I started writing, but never finished so, they sit there unpublished.  Maybe I'll get around to them some day, but for now...our sweet boy turned 9 months old yesterday, and I see I didn't even write an 8 month post.  Bad mama!

It's been the absolute best 9 months of my life.  I love this sweet boy.  He really is a dream baby, in the sense that he is thee easiest baby, that has never been a cryer.  We are blessed.  So blessed.

He is such a busy boy.  If he's not sleeping (which he does A LOT of) he is constantly on the go.  Into absolutely everything, everything but his toys.  He climbs the stairs, pulls himself up onto everything, and has even started crawling the 'right way'.  For the past couple months he was always army crawling, but in the past couple days he's decided to start crawling on his hands and knees (even though he's much faster at army crawling).  He's trying so hard to stand unassisted, but just falls on his bum in half a second, only to pull himself back up again, let go, and fall.  He's a determined little boy.  But shows no interest in walking, for now.  He sleeps 12 hours at night, in the past month he's finally started sleeping through the night without being fed.  He has 4 naps a day, 3 long ones (1 and a half - two hours long) and one short one around 5 just to be able to make it to bed at 7.  He weaned himself completely of breast feeding at 8 and a half months and now has gone to drinking formula which was a big struggle to get him to drink.  He doesn't drink a lot of it though.  A week ago he weighed 18lbs and 4oz and was 29 1/4" long.  He did lose a bit of weight when he turned 8 months so we had to weigh him every two weeks and call in his weight to our pediatrician.  In the past month he's gained 2lbs and 2oz, so that's great to see!  He is SO picky when it comes to food.  He LOVES what he loves but doesn't care to try anything new, and always gags at textures and food he's never tried before.  As in gags to the point of vomiting.  Those baby mum mums that it seems every baby loves?  Yea, no.  He doesn't like those at all!  He loves to drink water.  He loves fruit, peanut butter, yogurt, most vegetables, but doesn't care for meat and hates any type of cereal.  So needless to say we have to disguise the cereal and meat with things he does like.  He has no teeth!  Yep, that's right at 9 months old he's still a gumbee.  He has been teething on and off since he was 4 months old...  I could see two teeth buds for months, and now they've disappeared.  He seems to say 'mama' but I don't think he associates it with me?  He hates to cuddle.  I think I've touched on that before.  But like even if he is sick, tired, or has fallen and bonked his head on the coffee table and is crying, he still doesn't want to be cuddled.  I love that he's independent and is able to put himself to sleep at nap time and bed time.  But I'm also kind of sad that my little baby doesn't like to cuddle.  I have never rocked him to sleep, even as a newborn I would just place him in his crib awake and he'd fall asleep on his own.

Like I said he really is a dream baby.  And is such a sweet blessing!

I love him more than words!
