Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Happily ever after!

Today we celebrate our 2nd wedding anniversary, not together mind you, but none the less two years ago today is the day that I married my best friend!

At this time two years ago, I was getting ready to walk down the aisle at 1:30 in the afternoon!  I remember standing outside the doors of the Wedgewood Room at the beautiful Fairmont Hotel MacDonald with my parents and bridesmaids by my side.  The wedding planner told me that in minutes the doors would open and I would be walking down the aisle towards my soon to be handsome husband.  I remember how nervous I was.  I kept saying 'I can't do this!'  It wasn't that I was nervous to marry Brendon, that wasn't it at all!  I was more than ready to do that.  I was more so nervous about the day 'being all about me'.  I have always been the type of person to not want to be noticed, and to just blend into a crowd.  I didn't want everyone to stare at me for the entire day, that was mortifying, really.  But I did it!  As nervous as I was.  Our wedding was beautiful and perfect!  I thank my parents for making it all come together.  I am so blessed to have the family I have.   It was the best day of my life, well tied for the best day of my life...

Today I celebrate our second anniversary with our sweet baby boy, who is my everything!  As Brendon is out of town working until Friday.  Next week we will be jet setting to our most favorite place in the world (that we've been too!), Maui, to celebrate our second anniversary together!

Brendon is my best friend, the love of my life, my husband.  I am pretty certain there isn't two people who laugh more with each other than we do!  I am so lucky, blessed and thankful to get to spend the rest of my life with him!

...Falling in love with him was easy.  Staying in love with him is easier...


Monday, 16 September 2013

Oh poop!

It's been a while!

Here's what we've been up to this last month...

First things first, Beckham pooped!  Finally.  But, not on his own.  He hadn't pooped in 19 days.  After multiple suppository's, pears, prunes, peaches, prune juice, corn syrup in water...you name it, we tried it!  The poor guy would push his little brains out multiple times a day...and nothing!  No gas, no poop, no nothing...for 19 days.  I was in correspondence with our pediatrician for the past couple weeks.  We finally went into see him on day 14.  He felt the hard mass of stool in his tummy, prescribed him lax-a-day, sent us for an X-ray, and sent us on our way...5 days of lax-a-day increasing the dosage, and still no poop had this mama annoyed that though the pediatrician said 'he should be pooping one - two times a day' that it was 'fine' that he hadn't pooped in 19 days.  Yesterday we decided that we wanted a second opinion and took him into the Stollery Children's Hospital.  They ended up giving him an enema.  It worked pretty well instantly but me oh my did he ever cry.  A cry I had never heard before.  I guess you get severely painful stomach cramps when given an enema.  Poor guy.  But we were SO excited to see poop!  The things that excite us these days...

Last month Beckham attended his first concert.  Selena Gomez.  I know, right?  I had never even heard of her.  Brendon won the tickets through work, and for whatever reason really wanted to go.  She lip synced the entire show.  And is not in the least talented, in my opinion.  

Last month we also went to Calgary for 4 nights.  Brendon had work meetings there, so we decided to tag along.  It was Beckham's first time away from home. He did okay, at best.  He was great during the day, but did not sleep well at night, being in playpen and sharing a room with us.  I ended up getting to catch up with 4 of my girl friends while there.  It was SO nice to catch up with them individually and introduce Beckham to them!

Now onto September.

Earlier this month we attended one of my very first friends wedding, in Saskatchewan.  Yep, we packed Beckham up and drove 9 hours each way to share in this special day, with a special friend!  Surprisingly, Beckham did SO well the entire weekend!

This past week we drove to Calgary to get Beckham's 6 month/our family pictures done!  We had them done by Myrtle & Moss Photography.  Angie and I went to Junior High and High School together.  She is an incredibly talented photographer.  We are so happy with our photos.

And last but certainly not least...we celebrated my brothers 28 Birthday this month.  My brother is one of thee most important people in my life.  He is genuine, smart, caring, passionate...really he's the full meal deal!  He will graduate from University in January, after 8 years, we are so darn proud of him!  He deserves all the success in the world.  But, with that, I am sad as he will make the move back to Calgary to forgo his career.

That's all for now.
